Easy Cheesy Egg Muffin

Egg Muffins

Egg Muffins are so easy a delicious to make

keep reading for the recipe and instructions

If you know me personally or been following me for awhile then you know my love for hosting and brunching. I love spending time with my close friends and family and having them over ,so I can show off my cooking skills and my cute serve ware. Being a mom of three I’m always on the hunt to find kid friendly meals, but meals that taste great and easy to make.

Being pinterest addicted I discovered Egg Muffins, easy to make and super yummy I thought why not share my version.



  1. Eggs : 8 Large eggs for muffin pan of 12
  2. Vegetables of your choice
  3. Cooking pray: I used olive oil cooking spray
  4. salt, black pepper, and Paprika
  5. Scallions
  6. Cheese

Egg Muffins


Egg muffins


  1. In a separate bowl beat together 8 eggs, you can add a little bit of milk that is up to you.
  2. In another bowl chop any vegetables of your choice into small squares, set aside.
  3. Once all chopping is been done set your oven to 350 degress.
  4. Spray your muffin pan with cooking spray.
  5. Then fill muffin pan with vegetable or your choice or just cheese, then add egg.
  6. Top is off with more cheese or chilli flakes and paprika 
  7. Bake for 15-20mins

 Egg Muffins

